Saturday, January 16, 2010

What an intense week

My second term of college started on Monday. What a fun school schedule I have this term. I think the easiest way to do this is break this down by day class and what happened. So here goes nothing

Fundamentals of Biology (lecture portion) :
The teacher is an interesting piece of work. He is an older gentleman. A black man from Guyana. His class is going to be extremely difficult. He talks extremely slow and with a heavy accent. He... also... has a.... habit... of.... separating.... all... his words... with.... long.... pauses. Oh yea. Its going to be ridiculous. I'll be doing a lot of book reading. But thats a good thing right?

Intro to Theater:
This class was not what I was hoping it would be. What I SHOULD have taken was an Acting class but hey you live and you learn right? Not to mention the teacher is really awesome. She seems like she's gonna be great. After talking to a few people I have only heard great things about her. So that is always good.

Fundamentals of Biology (lab portion):
Same teacher as the lecture portion, so I have the same issue as the other class. The lab for Monday was interesting. Five minutes of stepping onto a stool and stepping off. Five minutes. Then we measured heart rate. And how long to took to return to the starting point. I def got a small work out for the day

Developmental Psych:
This teacher is so sweet. I already love her. She is so soft spoken but knows how to command a room. Our first class she had us do a meet a greet. I have extremely high hopes for this class and the students in it. (oh btw. If you watch Mythbusters, the episode testing open windows in a hurricane, the girl running the testing facility is my professors daughter)

English Lit:
I don't know what to make of this class. The teacher comes in, sits down, and just stays there frowning. She didn't say a word, just glared at us and glanced at the clock. The SECOND it was ten o'clock she stands up and starts lecturing. Still frowning. After going over the syllabus, she explains to us that she never smiles. That it is just the way she is. After listening to her (and coming to class again on Thursday)  I realized she's right. She seems like she will be a nice teacher. I certainly hope my assessment is correct.

I have plenty more to write about from my first week. But as far as school goes. Monday repeats itself on Wednesday, and Tuesday on Thursday.... But after school stuff is just as entertaining for this week. So... maybe later today? Maybe not. But at least you have a general idea to what I'm doing in class now

Friday, January 15, 2010

so much to say no to time to say it

I have so much to say. So much has happened this week. But I haven't had the time to tell. Things are going great. So... I hope I have time later on today to update you all on whats going on in Sarah's World

Monday, January 11, 2010

A new thing.... Flashback Monday

So does anyone remember this??

Anjela Anaconda! This used to be one of my favorite shows so when I caught myself singing the theme song in the shower I decided I would revisit this old show. After watching just a few seconds of the clip I realized while my mom hated it so much. The voices are much more annoying than previously remembered. It must be a thing acquired with age.
I couldn't remember much about the show. In fact all I did remember was that Anjela was a ginger, her female friend was fat and ate all the time and her male friend was foreign and weird.
Then of course there was "Ninny-Poo". The blonde rich bitch.

Thats about all I remembered of this show until I went to watch clips on youtube. So here is a clip. (Please feel free to leave your flash back cartoons for next week)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

You wouldn't approve

None of you would approve, but I don't live my life for you do I? I am happy. To me that is all that matters.
My phone dies on a regular basis now because someone actually wants to spend their time talking to me...
They think I am interesting and intriguing. Not to mention they find some way to compliment me daily. Things like telling me I am beautiful, sweet, and things of the sort.

They don't mock me. Poke fun. Don't pass off cruel words with an "I'm just kidding with you".

They make me smile without even trying. Care about where I am going with my life and what my fears are in making that life a reality.

They listen to what I have to say. They remember. They are interested in my mindless rambling.

But you wouldn't approve. You wouldn't even consider how happy I am. Because you are interested in what I have to say. You don't care. You don't listen.
They are everything you are not

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh how I love SITS

Oh thank you Alexis for showing me the site. Its wonderful.
Today while looking at the featured blog (which is actually from yesterday) I discovered the domestic dork. She has this great idea for a valentine exchange. I think the idea is splendiforous!!!

If you think you might be interested in joining the exchange, hurry and hop to. Today is your last day
Domestic Dork