Thursday, October 15, 2009

Robbed of Robbin

Growing up I never watched the classic Disney tale of Robbin Hood. (I have seen every other Disney movie I do believe.) Though I know the story very well I have never gotten around to seeing the Disney version of it.
But I put it on today (go figure I have the movie). I see a lot of borrowing from other movies? Little John. He is a big bear. As in Baloo from the Jungle Book. And guess what? They are both voiced by the same actor. Oh Walt. Were you unable to find another man willing to play the slightly goofy fat bears? And then Robbin's outfit. Who does it remind you of?? Looks very much like Peter Pan's does it not? Originality is failing.

More similarities!!! The hen. Who's name in the movie I am not grasping momentarily. Well. Little miss Henny sounds and acts very much like the geese in Aristocats. I do believe its a different actress.But she does act the same. Its a shame that the biggest producer of childrens' movies has so much redundancy.
Again drawing upon Aristocats. I do believe one of the bunnies is the same voice as one of Dutches' kittens. You can see the similarity when the little bunny tells Maid Marian that kissing is "sissy stuff".

Maybe its not that big a deal that I have never seen this movie. I don't feel like I missed much

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sick or depressed?

I stayed home from school today. My head has been throbbing. I am exhausted. I've thrown up three times. I have a fever. But am I sick? Or is my body just reacting to the extreme stress I am under right now. I definitely have plenty of reasons to be stressed. And I am sadly only human. I would honestly love to crawl into a hole and just stay there. Never emerge. People are so over rated. So self centered. Why do we even need human contact anyway? I don't think we do. I think its just something we have been brainwashed into believing. I am all for packing up and moving into the woods. Live in a little cabin in the mountains. Catch my own food. Just give me my puppy for companionship. What else would I really need? I don't need anything from the outside world. Those are all just conveniences. Hopefully I'll feel tomorrow. Maybe when I'm not throwing up every hour I will have a better. Maybe. But for some reason I doubt it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Only an hour ago

I love how just an hour ago I was fuming. I was shaking and crying and actually threw up my body was in such a state of stress. But in just an hour I have completely come to terms with what happened. I knew it was coming. I knew it would be soon. It doesn't stop it from hurting like hell but it does help the anger go away. Its not like she wanted to hurt me. Its not like we wanted to fall out of love. But things do happen. And unfortunately people fall apart. But we are going to try to stay close. She's been my best friend for nearly two years so I pray I never lose that. And I don't think I will. Hard though it may be at first...I am sure we can do it.

Bad news from gay days

Nothing like having someone ruin your gay (happy and homosexual) day by telling you that they are through with you. Like. Couldn't it have waited? Did they really have to ruin the one day of the year that you look forward to all year? Especially when you've now been together for nearly a year. I pretty much am fucking angry and hurt and crying and angry and lost right now. I don't even really know what to say. Someone help me make things right. I AM done with her. She was horrible to me anyway. But I was and kinda still am in love. Which makes this one of the most painful things of my life. I need friends right now. And who do I have.I really don't. God. I am fucking depressed

Thursday, October 8, 2009


WOW! I am in total shock. I cannot believe I have spent a thousand dollars in about two weeks. That's insane. Granted I did spend over 600 on my computer and programs for it. I also spent about a hundred dollars on a very nice outfit for an future interviews. Which I hope I will have soon... Ok. So now that it is in retrospect I probably spent about two fifty or three hundred in two weeks. That's not too horrible...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wrong Number

Have you ever gotten a wrong number that believed you were lying about it being a wrong number? Well just that happened to me today. Some little girl (my guess is that she is a middle school student) sent me multiple texts about how cute she thought some boy was and how she thought that there was some boy that “definitely had the hots” for me, or at least the intended recipient of the texts. I simply replied to her this morning that I believed she had the wrong number. She laughed and told me how funny I was and that she knew I was only kidding. I told her no that I was not kidding and that my name was Sarah, not the intended Gloria. This pissed her off. She now believed her friend Gloria to have given her her sister’s number. So she begged me not to tell anyone what she had said about the cute boy. I told her it wasn’t an issue because I didn’t know her or the people she was talking about. She started cursing me out at this point. She’s still sending me nasty texts even though I have stopped responding. I miss it when it was just Christian’s friends getting wrong numbers. At least all of them were extremely polite and accepted the fact that sometimes you just dial the wrong number. Oh well. Not everyone can be mature and courteous. It’s a shame though.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Its been a lil while

Yes. I realize its been awhile since I have put in a new blog. But I have been busy. I skipped school for most of this week. But I don't think I really missed anything. I was actually able to retake a quiz I had missed and made a one hundred on it. So whoo! GO ME!!

But I have some amazing news. For me at least.... I have my very own brand new computer. I bought it two days ago. Its a pretty purple lap top. I am quite happy.

Lets hope that soon I am in the mood to actually put forth a worth while blog. But for now. I am going to go. Maybe search for some junk food!!