Monday, January 11, 2010

A new thing.... Flashback Monday

So does anyone remember this??

Anjela Anaconda! This used to be one of my favorite shows so when I caught myself singing the theme song in the shower I decided I would revisit this old show. After watching just a few seconds of the clip I realized while my mom hated it so much. The voices are much more annoying than previously remembered. It must be a thing acquired with age.
I couldn't remember much about the show. In fact all I did remember was that Anjela was a ginger, her female friend was fat and ate all the time and her male friend was foreign and weird.
Then of course there was "Ninny-Poo". The blonde rich bitch.

Thats about all I remembered of this show until I went to watch clips on youtube. So here is a clip. (Please feel free to leave your flash back cartoons for next week)

1 comment:

Alexis Voltaire said...

I remember really not liking this show when I was younger, I think because I was afraid of it. I'm too chicken to watch now, just in case haha.

P.S. Blog about your first day back at school! Duh, your blog title makes it necessary!