Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yes! The lesbitarian is back. What IS a lesbitarian you may ask? Let me inform ya! Its a lesbian vegetarian. Absolutely no meat. No dead animals. No penises.
This is only like the eighteenth time that I have done this. I was a vegetarian for like two years solid, then before on and off for about five. So this is nothing new to me. I know how to do it healthy now. No more trips to the hospital for weakness... But that wasn't my fault. I blame my mom. She refused to help me so I barely ate. I basically starved.
But that won't happen this time. My dad is super supportive and vegetarian food is so good. It should help my health. Thats the real reason I am doing it. I need to get healthy. I've been getting these fake panic attacks lately. They're scaring me. I think they are triggered by water. That can't be healthy.

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